Arraya’s SafeGuard365 Suite: Get to Know DataGuard & TenantGuard
M365 is home to some of your most critical systems but many users don’t realize that M365 does not automatically back up your data and configurations. Based on Microsoft’s shared responsibility model, your business requires an extra layer of protection.
Arraya’s SafeGuard365 Suite provides cloud-to-cloud backup and recovery with comprehensive loss protection that’s unmatched.
Learn more about TenantGuard and DataGuard, specifically, from our experts below:
How This Solution Backs Up Your M365 Tenant Configurations
How TenantGuard Works as a Managed Service
What DataGuard Does & How It Works
How DataGuard Compares to Alternative, DIY Solutions
How DataGuard Works as a Managed Service
To learn more about TenantGuard, DataGuard, or our SafeGuard365 suite, schedule a no-obligation review of your M365 data and configurations today.