4 Ways Intelligent Process Automation Keeps Budgets in Line
Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is a favorite topic in technology journals and blogs, but is the hype justified? Without consistent, measurable outcomes, plenty of buzzy solutions have struggled to make the transition from “wave of the future” to industry standard. However, IPA, a solution that stands at the intersection of automation and artificial intelligence, isn’t lacking in its ability to generate positive business results.
Based on the firsthand experience of Arraya’s IPA team, organizations leveraging this technology could realize anywhere from a 60-70% return on top of their initial investments. Furthermore, not only do IPA projects tend to pay off, they typically do so rapidly, breaking even in less than a year. With results like those, it’s easier to understand all of the buzz.
Where does that 60-70% ROI figure come from? Let’s take a look at how exactly IPA is able to create such immediate and meaningful outcomes for adopters.
- Increased technological flexibility – IPA doesn’t require a massive upfront investment. Instead, it can begin with a lone automated process – or “digital worker” – and expand as needed. These digitized processes can operate alongside physical resources or assume full responsibility for a task, freeing employees to take on other, higher-value projects. Greater flexibility can also come into play should a new opportunity present itself in the form of, say, a new project or client. Rather than engaging in a drawn-out hiring and onboarding process, IPA allows new digital workers to be spun up quickly to account for increased workloads. Then, when they’re no longer needed, those digital workers can be easily spun down.
- Greater workforce efficiency – Supplementing physical IT resources with digital workers can go a long way toward increasing operational and budgetary efficiency. Unlike their flesh-and-blood counterparts, digital workers operate 24/7. They simply, relentlessly plug away at the process or task they have been configured to execute – until they are directed to do otherwise. Plus, no matter how repetitive or tedious a task may be, there’s never a risk of digital workers being lulled into mistakes, eliminating costly rework.
- Elevated data security – Data breaches are a real – and expensive – reality for all businesses. By incorporating digital workers, organizations can strengthen their overall security posture in a number of ways. The reach of digital resources can be greatly restricted, limiting the damage attackers can inflict should they compromise one. Also, digital workers log their every move, giving IT an easy way to diagnose and remediate issues. Finally, digital workers don’t commit the painful errors that can undo even the most thorough security efforts, e.g., taking work onto unsecured networks, falling victim to phishing attempts, etc.
- Improved support for legacy tools – Regardless of whether the notion of “legacy” is measured in months or decades, the importance of some aging solutions remains undeniable. However, supporting those tools, and ensuring they can communicate consistently with their fresh-faced data center neighbors, can prove tough on IT and tougher on organizational budgets. IPA allows integration between existing applications through the front end, without the need for any custom coding, software, or configuration changes to current tools – each of which requires expensive, increasingly specialized, skillsets.
Next Steps: Where to start with Intelligent Process Automation
Want to learn more about how Intelligent Process Automation can transform your operation and business strategies? Arraya Solutions can help. The Arraya Intelligent Process Automation service can provide the knowledge and the hands-on ability necessary to automate the manual, everyday processes that consume far too much of your IT team’s time – and your business’ budget. To discuss the range of automation services we can provide – as well as how we ensure the long-term effectiveness of the tools we deliver – visit us today at: https://www.arrayasolutions.com/contact-us/.
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